Saturday 21 December 2013

Fantasy Match 1: Authority vs The Union 2013 War Games

War Games: The Authority vs. The Union

Authority: Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Orton & HHH (w. Kane & Stephanie at ringside)

Union: Bryan, Punk, Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Goldust (w. Dusty at ringside)

Interval 1
Ambrose & Bryan open the match. There is a back and forth brawl early on, with Ambrose using a series of chops and open-handed strikes, and Bryan using roundhouse kicks to the body. Eventually, Bryan takes advantage, hitting a running dropkick to the face of Ambrose and then sending him flying face-first into the cage. (If this match is TV14, Ambrose would be a bloody mess at this stage) Bryan hits a running neckbreaker and a diving headbutt from the second rope. Ambrose returns to his feet with a drop toe hold, and begins stomping away at Bryan, before raking his face into the cage. Ambrose sets Bryan up for a superplex, but Bryan counters with a stiff boot to the face, followed by a torpedo dropkick. Dean stumbles through the ropes into the second ring, and Daniel does a plancha over both sets of ropes, dropping Ambrose and himself until the next entrant.

 Next Entrant: Roman Reigns
Reigns goes after Bryan furiously, repeatedly picking him up and throwing him into the cage, head-first and back-first. Ambrose returns to his feet, and they pick up a bruised and welted (and possibly bloody) Daniel for a double suplex, and then an aided powerbomb from Roman. Daniel has difficulty getting back to his feet, but is able to, aided by the ropes and cage. Reigns goes for the spear, but Bryan dodges, and Reigns smashes face and shoulder-first into the cage, temporarily downing himself. Ambrose hits a DDT on Bryan and awaits the next opponent, arriving shortly.

Next Entrant: Goldsust
Goldust hits a running clothesline on Ambrose, an inverted atomic drop and then a ceiling-aided hurricanrana on Roman. Bryan returns to his feet and nails Ambrose with a running dropkick. Goldust works over Reigns, hitting another inverted atomic drop, and several slaps and thrusts to the throat. Goldust goes for a running clothesline but Reigns hits the spinebuster on him. Meanwhile Ambrose and Bryan continue to pummel each other, using the cage to do so. Ambrose takes advantage by gouging Bryan's eyes, and delivering a snap DDT in between the two rings. The last ten seconds ends with Goldust delivering a low blow to Reigns, leaving everyone down.

Next Entrant: Seth Rollins
Rollins stomps Goldust and Bryan, before helping Roman to his feet. He tries to help Ambrose, but he is exhausted, and can't get to his feet yet. Rollins and Reigns go after the fresh man, Goldust. They take turns throwing him into the cage, and then Reigns hits the spear. They turn their attention to Bryan. The Shield all work together to deliver a triple powerbomb, also hitting Bryan's head off the roof. Bryan is out, and The Shield knows it. They turn their attack back on Goldust, who hits a desperation double low blow on Ambrose and Reigns before hitting his corkscrew suplex slam on Rollins. Everyone is down as the next participant makes his way to the ring

Next Entrant: Cody Rhodes
The Shield slowly gets to their feet, and Cody takes them all down, one by one. He hits the Alabama Slam on Rollins, the Disaster Kick on Reigns, and then both he and Goldust do a double bionic elbow on Ambrose. Rhodes locks the figure-four leglock on Ambrose, and Goldust puts a sleeper on Rollins, but Goldust is blasted by a Roman Reigns spear. Cody dropkicks Reigns, but is jumped by Rollins, who hits a Blackout to the young Rhodes brother. Ambrose crawls over Rhodes' body and chokes, bites and pummels him with punches. The rest of the Shield join in, but Bryan makes the save, performing a second suicide dive onto the Shield. Rhodes helps Bryan and Goldust up and they begin stomping the Shield.

Next Entrant: Randy Orton (w. Kane)
Orton enters the rings to a 3-on-1 attack: Goldust hits the kneeling throat thrust, Rhodes hits the Disaster Kick and Bryan hits the high knee. Suddenly, Kane enters the ring, as the door hadn't been shut yet, and lays waste to the three, hitting a big boot on Goldust and a double chokeslam on Rhodes and Bryan. Kane exits the rings. Orton and Reigns get to their feet and attack the Rhodes brothers. Orton hits Cody with a rope-hung DDT, and Reigns hits Goldust with a fallaway slam into the cage. Ambrose and Rollins get up and hit a double DDT on Bryan and then they join Roman Reigns to hit a triple powerbomb on each Rhodes brother.

Next Entrant: Big Show
Big Show hits a double spear on Reigns and Ambrose, and gorilla presses Rollins into the second ring, before throwing Orton face-first into the cage. He nails Orton with a big lariat, and a sidewalk slam. Reigns kicks Show in the kidneys, and slams his head into the cage. Show retaliates with a headbutt, and then Orton nails the giant with a low blow and an RKO. Cody Rhodes hits a diving cross-body on Reigns and then goes to hit Orton with another Disaster Kick, but Orton ducks and hits a backbreaker. Randy sets Rhodes up for the punt, but a timely powerslam by Goldust saves him. Big Show gets up to his knees as he watches the next person enter.

Next Entrant: Triple H (with Stephanie)
Hunter hits a jumping knee facebuster on Big Show, and a clothesline on Goldust, before throwing Cody Rhodes into the cage. He then goes over to a beaten Daniel Bryan and pummels him with right hands. Rollins meanwhile takes a huge chokeslam from Big Show, who then rams Ambrose into the cage. Orton dropkicks Big Show in the back, and then assists the Shield in nailing the giant with a wicked Quadruple powerbomb that shakes the ring and leaves everyone in awe. Rhodes tries to sneak up on Triple H and hit the Cross-Rhodes, but the Game reverses it into a Pedigree.

Next Entrant: CM Punk

Punk runs to the rings, and enters by hitting a springboard double clothesline on both Ambrose and Rollins. Reigns goes for a lariat, but gets caught in an arm-trap neckbreaker. Orton then gets hit with a Shining Wizard and a short-arm clothesline. Triple H blindsides Punk and hits him with a clothesline. Hunter then hits him with a series of right hands, but Punk counters with some chops and a spinning back kick. A Punk clothesline misses and then Reigns interjects with a spear. Bryan, given a chance to recover, hits Reigns with a torpedo dropkick, and Goldust does an incredible suicide dive over the ropes onto Rollins and Ambrose.

Triple H gets hit with a throat thrust, high kick, Disaster Kick, WMD and flying knee from each of his opponents. Big Show goes for the Colossal Clutch, but Randy hits him with the punt. All Punk, Bryan and the Rhodes brothers attack Orton. The Shield rejoin the melee and everyone picks somebody to fight. Ambrose and Punk duel, Reigns battles Cody, Rollins battles Goldust and Orton and Bryan fight. This buys Stephanie time to pass a sledgehammer through to Triple H Punk hits the GTS on Ambrose, and Cody Rhodes hits the Cross Rhodes on Reigns. The Game goes to nail Punk with the sledgehammer but misses and nails Orton. Punk quickly drops down to lock in the Anaconda Vice on Randy, while Bryan takes Triple H down in the Yes Lock. Big Show and the Rhodes brothers hold the Shield back as Orton and Triple H tap simultaneously.

I hope you enjoyed this match. I have more ideas on the way for future bouts.

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