Fantasy Promotion

Month 1

Week 1

Opening Promo

The show opens up with General Manager Mick Foley announcing that the first Pay-Per-View, Inception, will feature the first World heavyweight Championship match, and there will be a series of title eliminators to decide who enters the match. He announces that the main event of this show will be the first such eliminator, when Monty Brown takes on Luke Gallows.

He then begins to mention the TV Title when Elijah Burke comes out, claiming that Mick might as well hand over the TV Title to him, because his opponent has no chance of winning it. Mick says that he admires Burke’s confidence, and puts him in the TV Title match, but he won’t know his opponent until later tonight.

Opening Match

The American Wolves wrestle Heidenreich and Snitsky in the opening match. JBL can be seen in the crowd. Despite a valiant effort, The Wolves are destroyed by the power team of Snitsky and Heidenreich, in a short but furiously contested, five minute clash. After the match, JBL can be seen applauding the victors.

Promo 2: GM’s Office

Harry Smith and Xavier Woods both enter Mick Foley’s office at the same time, each asking to be the one to face Burke for the TV Title. Foley admits that he is still making up his mind, but will inform everyone shortly.

Second Match

Adam Rose and Chuck Taylor have a comedy match, but nothing too goofy, as both are also skilled wrestlers. The face Rose goes over. This is something to get the crowd back after the previous squash.

TV Championship Promo and Match

Burke comes out and cuts a promo on the entire roster, claiming that it doesn’t matter who Foley sends out, because no man can beat him. Foley comes out and announces that he won’t be facing one man, but both Smith and Woods in a Triple Threat Match for the Television Title.

Both men run down and quickly double team Burke, throwing him from the ring and hitting their finishers on the thinly-padded concrete. They then work over each other, and Harry goes for the Sharpshooter, but Woods reverses it into a Figure Four. While Harry is in the lock, Burke slides on top of him to get the pin, and steal the win from Xavier Woods, making Elijah Burke the first TV Champion.

Third Match

The Motor City Machine Guns come out for a Tag Match and cut a promo about how they are going to be the first Tag Team Champions at Inception. The throw-together team of Chavo Guerrero and Brian Kendrick come out and the match begins. It is a solid match, with plenty of aerial and technical mat wrestling maneuvers. Ultimately, The Guns win, and Kendrick and Guerrero squabble a bit but don’t outright brawl.

Short Promo

A video package airs, hyping Bully Ray vs Jack Swagger next week as the second Title Eliminator

Main Event

Monty Brown comes out to wrestle Luke Gallows in a powerful match, full of strong suplexes and throws. Monty’s agility comes into play, and he is able to take Gallows out of the ring, and then hits him with a suicide dive, leaving both down. On the outside, Gallows gets the advantage and throws Brown into the barricade, before grabbing a table from under the ring, and setting it up, but it isn’t used yet. Brown throws Gallows into the ring and continues his agile offense. He goes for The Pounce, but Gallows ducks and Brown crashes through the table on the outside. Because nobody physically put Monty through the table, it isn’t a DQ. Gallows brings Brown back into the ring, and goes for a chokeslam, but Monty Brown rolls over him into a Sunset Flip for the pinfall. (A rollup advances Monty while not making Luke look too weak.)

Week 2

Opening Match

Instead of a promo, the opening match is a tag team match between The Dungeon and Heidenreich and Snitsky. JBL is on commentary for this match, talking about how much he likes these two monsters, and says they remind him of the APA. The Dungeon does significantly better than The Wolves did, but they still lose, after TJ Wilson is dragged into the crowd and Smith is isolated in the ring by the two monsters, who finish him with a double chokeslam.

Promo and Television Championship

Elijah Burke comes out and cuts a promo on Xavier Woods, claiming that he could have been the champion if he was smarter. He talks very condescendingly to Woods, who angrily runs to the ring to start the match.

They brawl in and around the ring, smashing each other off the announce table, steel steps and aprons, before Burke creates some space, rolling back into the ring, and sitting in the corner. He baits Woods into running into the turnbuckle and then immediately hits the Elijah Express, a running double knee in the corner for the pin and the win.

Promo 2: GM’s Office

Mick Foley announces that next week, there will be a contender’s match to meet number one contenders Snitsky and Heidenreich for the Tag Team Championships.

Third Match

The Wolves meet Luke Harper and Mike Knox, and knock off the big guys in a fun Tag Team match, sort of an eliminator for later. The match ends when Luke Harper is pinned.


Summer Rae recruits the braggadocious Chuck Taylor as her first client.

Fourth Match

Adam Rose and Brian Kendrick wrestle a technical match that ends when Summer Rae and Chuck Taylor distract Rose, allowing Kendrick to hit Sliced Bread No. 2 for the win. After the match, Taylor convinces Kendrick to join up with Summer Rae, which he does.

Main Event

Bully Ray comes out and sets up a couple of tables on the outside. Jack Swagger doesn’t get a full entrance but runs down and hits Bully from behind while he is setting up the tables. They brawl on the outside but Sagger throws him into the ring. Inside the ring they brawl some more, with the face Jack Swagger getting the advantage until Luke Gallows comes out with the distraction, at which point Bully hits a low blow and a Bully Cutter. Ray pins him but gets a two count.

Gallows sets up a third table, but Monty Brown comes from the crowd and attacks him, powerbombing him through his own table. Bully exits the ring to brawl with Monty, but Swagger hits him with a Swagger-bomb through another table, causing a DQ. Swagger is upset, but he and Monty continue to brawl with Gallows and Bully as the show goes off the air.

Week 3

Opening Match

The show opens with a Battle Royale to determine who will face Elijah Burke later in the night, opened by Burke himself, who claims to be a “fighting champion who is here every week to give it his all”. It looks like Xavier Woods is doing well in the Battle Royale, but Elijah pulls a rope down, causing Xavier to topple over and eliminate himself. Ultimately, Kofi Kingston gets the win, last eliminating Chavo Guerrero.

Promo 1

Monty Brown cuts a promo on Bully Ray, talking about kicking his ass at the PPV. Swagger interjects and says that it should be him in the Title Match. They trade barbs but Foley says that they will need to work together, because they have to face the team of Mike Knox and Luke Gallows tonight.

Second Match

The Motor City Machine Guns meet The Wolves and steal the show with an excellent Tornado Tag Match that mixes high flying excitement with technical wizardry. The Guns win and everyone shakes hands afterward. Heidenreich and Snitsky make their entrance but just stand on the ramp and stare The Guns down.

Promo 2

Xavier Woods cuts a promo on Elijah Burke, calling his claim to be a “fighting champion” into question. He says that Burke hasn’t seen the last of him.

Promo 3: GM’s Office & Third Match

Summer Rae goes into Foley’s office and requests that Kendrick and Taylor be put in the Tag Team Title match at the Pay-Per-View, but Mick reminds her that they haven’t even had a match yet. Summer then says to give them anyone and they will win, so Mick gives them Smith and Wilson next, in which The Dungeon easily wins after a quick match.

Fourth (non) Match

Bully and Gallows come out together, while Swagger and Brown come out separate, clearly not on the same page. The match quickly devolves into a brawl, with Swagger focusing on Gallows and Monty beating down Bully. Eventually, a double Irish Whip switches things up, and Monty hits a Cactus Clothesline on Gallows, taking them both out of the ring. They brawl on the outside, and Gallows take a powerslam on the floor. Monty gets on the apron, but Bully pulls brass knuckles out of his shorts and nails The Alpha Male. Back turned, Bully is rolled up by Swagger and put in the Patriot Lock, but Gallows enters the ring and chair shots him. They bring in a table and put Swagger through it with a double powerbomb.

Promo 4

Kofi hypes up the main event as his first big opportunity in the FWL, and Woods comes in to give him a pep talk.

Main Event - Television Championship

Elijah Burke and Kofi square off and Kofi immediately goes for Trouble in Paradise, but Burke slithers out of the ring. Kingston goes for a plancha but wipes out, hurting himself. Burke begins beating him down, and hits a suplex on the floor. He tries to get a countout but Kofi gets back in the ring. Elijah gets Kofi into the corner and lands some kicks and punches. He goes for an early Elijah Express but Kofi moves, and Burke hurts his legs. Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise, knocking Burke out. Kofi goes for the cover, but Burke gets his foot on the ropes. Kofi drags Elijah to the centre of the ring but gets rolled up for a 2 count.

Elijah is surprised that he couldn’t get it, but then starts mouthing off at Xavier Woods, who has come down to ringside for a closer look at the action. Kofi then grabs Burke for the SOS, but Burke counters it into the Elijah Experience, a Full Nelson Facebuster, for the pin and the win.

After the match, Woods challenges Burke to a non-title, No DQ match at Inception, which Burke accepts.

Week 4, Go-Home Show

Opening Promo

Bully comes out and brags about how he took out Monty Brown last week, and how monty wasn’t here tonight, but then Mick comes out and informs Bully that while Monty Brown isn’t here, Jack Swagger was, and they would compete in the Main Event, with no interference from Luke Gallows.

First Match

The Wolves defeat Taylor and Kendrick in a competitive Tag Match, both to get their heat back, and to give Taylor and Kendrick some more TV time as a tag team, as Taylor’s comedy, Kendrick’s aerial skill and Summer’s looks make for an entertaining all-around team.


Kofi Kingston gets some mic time to talk about his loss last night, and he talks about how he is going to get back on track with another big win tonight. He then invited Harry Smith and TJ Wilson to say a few words about their 6-Man Tag Match up next.

Second Match

Kofi Kingston teams up with The Dungeon to take on Luke Harper, Mike Knox and Chavo Guerrero. This is a match to help get the lesser knowns some exposure on a big TV card. Kofi and The Dungeon win, with Kofi pinning Knox with a roll-up (again, trying to keep Knox strong, but give Kofi his momentum back.)


JBL cuts a promo with Heidenreich and Snitsky, talking about how they will be a dominant force in the industry, and that is why he has attached himself to them.

Third Match & Promo

Luke Gallows squashes Adam Rose, and then says that at Inception, Jack Swagger will be going to “The Gallows”

Television Championship Match

Elijah Burke takes on Alex Shelley (with Sabin) for the TV Title. He is able to get a quick roll-up win after a distraction from Snitsky and Heidenreich at the ramp. After Elijah wins, Heidenreich and Snitsky go to attack Shelley but JBL holds them back for now.

Main Event

Bully squares off with Swagger once again in a brawling, strong-style match. Jack has taped ribs, and Bully works them over, including dropping him, ribs first, onto the barricade. Jack counters a Bully Bomb into a Rolling Patriot Lock, but Bully gets to the ropes. Swagger gets him up for a Gutwrench Powerbomb, but Bully drops down and hits him with a Cutter out of nowhere for the pin and the win. He then ends the show with a scathing promo directed at Monty Brown.


Opening Promo and Tag Team Championship Match

Mick Foley comes out to welcome the fans to Inception, and then presents the Tag Team Championship Belts, for the first match of the evening.

The Motor City Machine Guns come out to take on Heidenreich and Snitsky, managed by JBL. The guns use their speed to catch the big men off guard. A timely trip by JBL and a Big Boot by Snitsky take Alex Shelley out of the equation for much of the match though, leaving Sabin to be decimated by the two big monsters. Sabin gets a comeback however, and actually gets Heidenreich up for the Cradle Shock, but Snitsky makes the save with a Big Boot. Shelley regains consciousness, but not before Heidenreich gets the pin for the victory.

Promo 2

Elijah Burke is interviewed and reminds fans that his match tonight with Xavier Woods is a No DQ Match, but is also not for the TV Title. He says that this is all about destroying Xavier Woods for good.

Second Match

Kofi Kingston goes one on one with Chavo Guerrero, a mini feud which began in the battle Royale a few weeks back. They have a quick, technical match, before Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise for the pinfall victory.

Promo and Third Match

Xavier Woods is about to have an interview, but is attacked from behind by Elijah Burke, and their No DQ Match begins backstage, where they slam each other into things. Eventually though, Xavier gets the advantage after a suplex onto an equipment box, and then he drags Burke to the ring.

Woods finally gets his chance and beats Elijah Burke from pillar to post, slamming him off the steps, the announce table and then doing a Cactus Clothesline over the barricade, sending them into the crowd. They continue to brawl, before Elijah gets the advantage and back-suplexes Xavier onto the barricade, hurting Xavier Woods’ back. Elijah takes advantage and begins slamming a chair into his opponent’s back. Burke throws Woods back into the ring, and tosses the chair in. He lets Woods get up for the final chair shot, but Xavier hits a chair-aided Lost in the Woods out of nowhere, kicking the chair into his rival’s face, and knocking him out. Woods gets the pinfall.

Promo 3

JBL is seen in the back celebrating his clients’ victory.

Fourth Match

Jack Swagger and Luke Gallows have a rough match, where Gallows works over Jack Swagger’s injured ribs and really beats him down. Swagger wins the match when he counters a Chokebomb into a sunset flip and then goes straight from the flip into the Patriot Lock, and gets the submission win.

Promo 4

Mick Foley meets with the Referee and explains to him the importance of this World Heavyweight Championship Match, and says that while it is not a No DQ match, he is encouraged to relax the rules and let them fight, so that the truly better man will come out on top.

Main Event - World Heavyweight Championship

The bell rings and Monty Brown and Bully Ray meet in the centre of the ring and trade punches. Bully gets the advantage, backing Brown into the corner, and stomping away. Brown fights back and moves Bully into the turnbuckle, setting him up for a huge superplex and a two count. Bully rolls out of the ring and Monty follows. They brawl on the outside, and throw each other into the announce table and chairs. Bully takes a violent whip into the steps, hurting his knees. He catches Monty with a low blow though, and drags him over to the announce table. He nails Monty with a powerbomb through the Spanish announce table. Monty Brown is clearly hurt, and doctors try and get to him, but Bully beats them up, and throws Brown into the ring. He sets him up for the Bully Bomb, but Monty reverses and hits a desperation powerslam, hurting Bully. Monty gets up first, and runs for The Pounce, but Bully leaps up for a Bully Cutter out of nowhere for a razor close two count. Bully is furious that he didn’t get the pin. He exits the ring and gets a table, setting it up in the ring. He sets Monty up on the top rope for a superplex, but Monty counters into a Rolling Powerbomb, crashing Bully Ray through his own table, and pinning him for the three count.

Month 2

Week 1

Opening Promo

Monty Brown comes out with the title, talking about how this is a Career Moment for him. Elijah Burke comes out to interrupt him, challenging him to a Title for Title match tonight. Although Brown accepts, Mick Foley comes out and says that Elijah Burke still has unfinished business with Xavier Woods, and proposes a Tag Team, Winner Take all match between Monty Brown and Xavier Woods vs Elijah Burke and Bully Ray. Elijah is upset that he can’t win the belt in that match but accepts.

First Match

The American Wolves team up with Kofi Kingston to face Chuck Taylor, Brian Kendrick and Chavo Guerrero (with Summer Rae), which Brian Kendrick wins after hitting Sliced Bread No. 2 on Eddie Edwards.

Promo 2

Bully Ray and Elijah Burke trade some barbs while also insulting Monty Brown and Xavier Woods, hyping the Main Event

Second Match

Luke Gallows comes out to face Adam Rose, but instead just beats on him with a folding chair, causing a DQ

Promo 3

Monty Brown sees Jack Swagger in the locker room, cradling his ribs. He asks Jack if he is okay to compete tonight. Swagger tries to brush him off but thanks him for his concern and heads out for his match.

Third Match

Jack Swagger faces off with Snitsky (with Heidenreich and JBL) and gets dominated. He comes back by catching a Big Boot and going for the Patriot Lock, but Heidenreich interferes. Swagger sees him coming and catches him for a belly to belly, but is then blindsided by Snitsky, who hits him with the Boot. Monty runs in to help, but Luke Gallows and Bully Ray come out and attack Monty. The Motor City Machine Guns run in to join the melee and it is chaos and pandemonium. Mick comes out and announces that the main event will be a massive Ten Man Tag Team Match, between the faces and the heels for the Main Event, which is now a Winner Takes All for all three belts.

Main Event - Winning Team Takes All

Kofi and Xavier both run to join the match but brawl on the entry ramp. Inside the ring all members brawl in a melee until the referee can get control. Finally, Chris Sabin and Bully Ray are alone in the ring, and Sabin is battered by the Bully. Sabin gets a Hot Tag to Shelley, who blitzes the corner, but then all 5 of his opponents enter the ring, and then everyone enters the ring for another brawl. Bully and Gallows set up tables on the outside, but The Guns end up putting Heidenreich and Snitsky through the tables; the first time they lay beaten. The match ends in a No Contest while the faces stand strong in the ring after a chaotic Main Event.

Week 2

Opening Promo

Mick Foley comes out and says that after the chaos of last week, he is setting up a Steel Cage Match for Strife, a rematch between Bully Ray and Monty Brown. He also says that the Tag Team Champions will have to defend their titles tonight against both the Motor City Machine Guns and The Dungeon, and Elijah Burke will meet Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston in a Ladder Match for the TV Title in the Main Event. Burke of course comes out to complain, but Mick has little to say to him, instead Xavier appears on the ramp and cuts a promo at him, saying that he beat him once, and would again.

First Match

Chuck Taylor defeats Adam Rose after a distraction from Summer Rae

Tag Team Championship Match

The Dungeon and The Guns both focus on their monster opponents, double teaming the two big men, before focussing on each other. The Dungeon seems to have the advantage, and begin a technical assault on their aerial opponents. TJ Wilson goes for the Hart Lock on Alex Shelley, but Snitsky catches him with a Big Boot to the head, knocking TJ out. Harry runs to his aid, but Heidenreich emerges and hits a Double Chokeslam on Harry and Chris Sabin, pinning Smith for the win.

Promo 2 and Second Match

Jack Swagger comes to the ring, badly banged up, and calls out Luke Gallows, wanting another match. He is instead answered by Mike Knox, who proceeds to beat down and pin Swagger.

Promo 3

Kofi and Xavier meet backstage and shake hands, saying that the best man will win, but the agree that Elijah won’t be the best man tonight.

Third Match

The Wolves defeat Luke Harper and Chavo Guerrero in another quick Tag Match

Main Event - TV Championship Lander Match

Kofi opens the match by nailing Burke with the Trouble in Paradise. Kofi and Xavier fight amongst themselves for a good 5 minutes before Burke gets back up. The action is fast and furious, and all three men take some crazy bumps off the ladders. The finish is Kofi and Xavier are fighting on top of the ladder, and Kofi falls back, getting his foot caught in a rung, trapping him. Burke comes from behind, hitting Woods with a ladder, knocking him from atop his perch and dropping him 15 feet to the mat. With Kofi trapped, Elijah Burke climbs the ladder and grabs his belt for the win.

Closing Promo

Monty Brown checks on Jack Swagger backstage, and both are assaulted by Mike Knox and Luke Gallows. Bully Ray walks in, smiling and high fives both men as the show goes off the air.

Week 3
Opening Promo
Mick, Bully, Gallows and Knox are in the ring. The cage is suspended above the ring. Mick solemnly states that neither Monty Brown or Jack Swagger are here tonight, and Bully grins. Mick points up to the cage and reminds Bully that he will be in that cage next Sunday against Monty Brown, to which Bully replies that he is ready. Mick questions if he really is, and says that Bully will get a warm up match tonight. Bully says that there is nobody to face, as both Jack and Monty are out. Mick tells him that there is someone: Cactus Jack! Bully gets upset, but tells Mick that he’s crazy, but he accepts the challenge for the Main Event.
Opening Match
Chavo Guerrero teams up with Kendrick and Taylor, but loses to The American Wolves in a competitive Six Man Tag. The Wolves cut a promo on the Tag Team Champions, challenging them and claiming that they are not unstoppable as they seem to think.
Second Match
Luke Harper, now a singles competitor, wrestles and defeats Kofi Kingston in an intensely competitive match, in which Harper became the first man to kick out of the SOS, Kingston reversed a powerbomb into a hurricanrana, and Harper did a running hurricanrana of his own for the pin and the win.
JBL responds to The Wolves’ challenge, saying that they are not yet worthy of facing his clients.
Third Match and Promo
Elijah Burke comes out to defend his title against TJ Wilson. The two men have a fun, technical match that ends when Burke reverses The Sharpshooter into a rollup. Burke then calls out Xavier Woods, and wants one more match, at Strife. Woods comes out and accepts, but demands a Last Man Standing Match, which Burke accepts.
Mick Foley opens up a wardrobe in his office and puts on his snakeskin boots, and grabs his trademark Barbie.
Main Event - Steel Cage Match
Bully and his acolytes Knox and Gallows enter the ring first and start ripping on Foley. Cactus Jack comes to the ring, brandishing Barbie as the cage lowers. Cactus chases both Gallows and Knox off but Bully blindsides him, taking out his knees. Locked in the cage, Bully takes his time destroying the knees of Mick Foley with the barbed wire bat, and smashing his head into the cage. Cactus is able to get ahold of Barbie and low blows Bully, before hitting a Double-Arm DDT, leaving both men down. Luke Gallows and Mike Knox begin climbing the cage, but are cut off by The Motor City Machine Guns, and they brawl outside the cage

Week 4, Go-Home Show

Opening Promo and Match

Mick Foley isn’t present, so Bully Ray and his posse say that they are running things tonight, and they schedule the three of them against The Motor City Machine Guns for the main event, two on three. Kofi Kingston comes out and challenges Bully to a one on one match right now. Bully accepts and they brawl up the entrance ramp as a referee rushes down. The Guns run in and brawl with Knox and Gallows, but for the most part get beaten down. Kofi and Bully brawl back in the ring, and Kofi hits a springboard dropkick. Kofi sets up for Trouble in Paradise, but misses and Bully hits a Cutter out of nowhere for the pinfall victory. He grabs a mic and says to The Guns, “later tonight, you’re next!”

Second Match - Television Championship

Elijah Burke faces off with Eddie Edwards, but loses by Disqualification when Snitsky and Heidenreich come out and destroy Edwards. Davey Richards tries to make the save but JBL catches him with a Clothesline from Hell. The Wolves and The Monsters brawl on the outside while Burke takes his belt and runs up the ramp, but Woods meets him at the top and drops him with the Lost in the Woods. Woods then helps The Wolves fight off The Monsters, until JBL advises that they retreat.

Promo 2

Security Backstage can barely contain the parties in the locker rooms. The faces are desperate to get at the heels and vice versa

Match 3 and Main Event Brawl

Kendrick and Taylor vs The Dungeon have a quick, hotly contested brawl, but are interrupted when Luke Harper throws Adam Rose through the Gorilla Position, and then powerbombs him on the stage. Taylor uses the distraction to roll up Wilson for the win, but their brawl keeps going. Bully and his crew come out and destroy them all, before angrily calling out The Guns, as their match is starting right now!

The Guns rush the ring and brawl with The Aces and Eights, as The Dungeon and Kendrick & Taylor brawl on the outside, and cameras cut to the back, where another brawl has broken out between The Wolves and The Monsters. Bully’s crew get the advantage, until Kofi runs in to even the odds, but even Kofi is too hurt, so Bully and Gallows hit him with a 3D, and then all 3 Aces and Eights begin to set up tables.

Backstage, Woods and Burke have begun dueling with chairs, needing to be separated by security. Knox puts Sabin through a table, and then Gallows puts Shelley through a table. Bully is about to put Kofi through the third table, but then Monty Brown comes out of a cab and runs to the ring, taking on all 3 Aces and Eights by himself, putting Gallows through the table. They brawl violently as police enter the arena and the show goes off the air.

Opening Promo
Mick Foley is out on crutches and informs the fans that he is ashamed of the events of the past week’s show. He announces that Jack Swagger is still injured and thus his match with Luke Gallows has been cancelled, but instead The Motor City Machine Guns will face Luke Gallows and Mike Knox
Opening Match
Kofi Kingston, Luke Harper and Chavo Guerrero have a Three Way Dance to determine who will face Elijah Burke next week. After a competitive match, Kofi wins by rolling up Chavo.
Monty Brown cuts a promo on the brawl last night, Bully Ray, and being 100% for his Cage Match tonight.

Tag Team Championships

Heidenreich and Snitsky (with JBL) come out and wrestle The American Wolves in a closely contested match, but The Monsters eventually win after hitting a finisher on each of The Wolves.


JBL claims that his clients simply cannot be beaten, ending the promo with a Ted DiBiase style evil laugh

Third Match - Last Man Standing

Xavier Woods is attacked on the ramp by Elijah Burke, and they brawl up into the stands. Up in the high rafters, Burke grabs a chair and cracks Woods over the head twice, causing him to fall over the edge, falling nearly twenty feet. The short match abruptly ends, and doctors attend to the severely injured Woods. (Woods is off TV for a while, to end the feud and let Burke move on)


Bully and The Aces and Eights cut a promo on Monty Brown and The Guns. Gallows also throws in a jab about Jack Swagger.

Fourth Match - Elimination Table Match

The Guns and The Aces brawl all around the arena before the match even begins, with The Guns getting the advantage. Sabin and Shelley start pulling out tables and setting them up, before rolling their opponents into the ring. They hit some tandem kicks on Knox and then go after Gallows, but Gallows counters and hits a Double Chokeslam. He pins one of them but only gets a two count. The Aces and Eights take advantage, and pummel their opponents. The Guns get a comeback, but when Shelley goes for a crossbody, Knox catches him and does a Fallaway Slam out through a table on the outside. Alone, Sabin grabs a chair to defend himself, but is still overwhelmed, and takes a Double Chokeslam through a second table. The match ends in violent fashion.

Main Event - World Heavyweight Championship Steel Cage

Bully Ray comes out with his hands in his jacket pockets. Monty Brown comes at him, but Bully attacks him with double brass knuckles. Trapped in a cage with an armed man, Monty is pummeled over the head with brass knuckle punches, over and over, really busting him up. Outraged, Mick Foley comes to ringside, but can’t stop his No DQ Match. Bully gives Mick the middle finger and then low blows Brown with the brass knucks.

The Aces and Eights come down to ringside and take Mick’s crutches, causing him to topple over. Bully hits Monty with all of his finishers, including the Bully Bomb, the Piledriver, and the Cutter. Finally, he begins to climb the cage, but Monty stumbles to his feet. Instead of finishing his ascent, Bully drops down to beat him up some more, but Monty lands a desperation low blow, and then throws Bully into the cage, before both men go down. Bully gets up first, and goes for another Cutter, but Monty pushes him off and hits The Pounce, again, incapacitating both men.

Knox and Gallows begin to climb the cage, but Foley hits Knox with a crutch. Gallows drops down to attack Foley, but then Jack Swagger returns from the crowd and hits Gallows with a chair. He opens the cage door and Brown crawls out, retaining the World Heavyweight Championship. Brown, Swagger and Foley celebrate their brutal victory.

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