Saturday 16 August 2014

Now That's a Mania!

Some of my fantasy stuff (The 2013 WarGames for instance) were actually feasible, this one is purely a fantasy based on futuristic time-warp technology or magic. This is my idea of what the "perfect Wrestlemania" would be like, balancing legendary conflicts with fun matches and filler, all while balancing the egos involved. I also did some match card pictures for a visual cue.

 The Event would open with "The Battle of Bad News!" Not only do they share a nickname but they have a similar brawling style that would mesh well. Throw in a No Holds Barred stipulation and this is an exciting opener to get the fans invested.

 This is not Bret Hart's only match. This is similar to the Wrestlemania 10 thing where Bret has to do double duty. He is forced to defeat Kane in order to advance into the main event against the WWE Champion Randy Orton. This would be a good match between two legends. I would even consider replacing Kane with Seth Rollins now that he is in The Authority.

A technical wrestler, a luchador and a strong-style Japanese wrestler on each team in a Lucha Libre Rules 6 Man Tag Match? This is any wrestling fan's dream match! (These 6 are my personal preferences. KENTA, Eddie Guerrero, and Daniel Bryan are too big for a midcard tag match, although that would be a hell of a Triple Threat someday)

 To clarify, Arn and JJ are on the outside, this is just a 6-Man Tag match. This match never happened and it should. It would be a fine tag match between the factions. The Horsemen would be the faces, as they have had more time as faces than any of the Freebirds.

This one is actually Roddy Piper's idea, and I dig it for 2 reasons. Firstly, it gets Cena out of the main event, and 2 it gives us Cena vs Punk without it feeling like the same old thing, as it adds Piper and Hogan to the mix as a tag team match.

Two Hollywood stars, two major WWE stars, one is a heel, one is a face. That is really all the story you need. Both guys can work the big match and there is no bigger match than this. The Rock goes over obviously.

Mind Games galore! This one would be good for the promos and make for a very psychological match. For extra drama, add Paul Bearer and The Wyatt Family to ringside. Hell, add the Ministry and have the two factions stalk ringside in a Lumberjack style match.

Lastly, Bret makes it to his WWE World Heavyweight Championship match with Orton. This has the potential to be a Match of the Year, and has a lot of drama, as Bret already had to wrestle once tonight. Ultimately Bret should win though.

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